Sunday, October 16, 2011


"The name is Hades, Lord of the Dead. Hi, how'ya doin'?"

Hades Lord of the Dead Margaritini

2 cup pomegranate juice
2 cup orange juice
2 liters ginger ale
Gummy worms
Green grapes
Pop rocks
Lime wedges
This recipe is based on the drink Hades drinks when he finally comes to power. It is also based on the Greek myth Persephone, where Hades tricked Persephone into eating 6 pomegranate seeds thus causing the barren winter and summer months in Greece.
Combine the juices with the soda. Put the pop rocks on a plate. Rim a martini glass with lime wedge. Dip in the pop rocks until they stick. Pour the drink into the glass, garnish with a skewered grape and gummy worm.

Monday, October 10, 2011


Ursula The Sea Witch: Beluga Sevruga Brew
1 package of cream cheese
16 oz grape jelly
12 oz chili sauce
Black food color
Blue food color
This recipe is inspired by Ursula’s Incantation when she steals Ariel's voice:. “Beluga Sevruga come winds of the Caspian Sea, La raccis, Glossitis, at max laryngitis, La Voce TO ME!”
In a saucepan, melt jelly. Once melted, turn off heat and whisk in chili sauce and a few drops of blue food coloring. This will create a dark purple sauce. Set aside. In a smallish bowl, blend together cream cheese and several drops of black food color. Don’t worry about getting a pitch black, cause that would be gross. Now here is the fun part. On a platter, place a small black salsa dish. Fill it with the chili jelly mixture. Fill a pastry bag with the gray cream cheese. On top of the rim of the bowl, pipe some cream cheese spikes to make it look like Ursula’s cauldron. Coming out of the bottom of the bowl, pipe some cream cheese tentacles by creating some tapered lines on the plate. Serve with either “naked” or batter/breaded shrimp and goldfish crackers.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Cruella De Vil

"I live for furs!

Spotted Black and White Pie

1 Oreo cookie crust
1 large box Oreo pudding and pie filling
2 cups heavy cream
15 Oreo cookies crushed coarsely
1 can whipped topping

Combine pudding with cream on high until fluffy. Fill cookie crust with pudding fluff. Decorate the top with whipped topping and Oreo cookies.


"The Princess shall indeed grow in grace and beauty, beloved by all who know her. But, before the sun sets on her sixteenth birthday, she shall prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel, and DIE!"

Spinning Wheels

5 Soft taco size tortillas
1 medium can refried black beans
1 medium container guacamole
1 medium block cheddar cheese
2 small cans sliced olives
2 medium tomatoes diced.
1 medium container sour cream
1 packet taco seasoning

Spread tortillas out on a cookie sheet. Spread each tortilla with beans. Slice cheese into thin strips. (about the size of a string cheese only flat.) Arrange these into spokes on the beans. Preheat the oven to broil. Put the wheels under the broiler for no more than 90 seconds. Let cool slightly. In the center place the olives and tomatoes. Stir the taco seasoning into the sour cream. Fill a plastic bag with the sour cream mixture. Pipe the sour cream between the cheese spokes in parallel lines Do the same with the guacamole between the sour cream lines. With a toothpick, swirl together a zig-zag pattern between the spokes, creating the look of a wheel that is spinning. Serve with blue corn chips and even more guacamole.

Captain Hook

"Blast that Peter Pan!"

Captain Hook's "I'm a Codfish" (and Chips)

Disney has official fish sticks called Pirate Planks by American Pride Seafoods. These are the most themed, if they are not available, then, any fish stick will do.
Serve with potatoes that are cut in quarter sized squares and deep fried. Season with salt and pepper.

Mr. Smee's Fish and Fry Sauce.
1/2 cup Mayonnaise
1/2 cup Ketchup
2 tablespoons Dill Pickle Relish (optional)
Combine ingredients together, serve with just about anything you would dip in plain ketchup.

The Queen of Hearts

"Off with your head!"
The Queen of Heart's Tarts
Easy Queen of Hearts Tarts Recipe

  • Serves: 3-6
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes (longer if making pastry from scratch)
  • Total Time: 30 minutes
  • 16oz Ready-to-roll pie crust
  • 15-18 tsp Strawberry or raspberry jam
  • A sprinkle of confectioners sugar
  • 1 large and 1 small heart-shaped cookie cutter (ideally 2 sizes that have about 1cm of space between them when placed one inside the other)

1, Preheat the oven to 450° F
2. Roll out your shortcrust pastry on a floured board. Using your large cookie cutter, cut out 6 large hearts
3. Place them on a greased baking tray and spread your jam reasonably thickly in the center of each one, leaving approximately 1cm around the edge free from jam. Wet the edges slightly with some water
4. Roll your pastry out again. Cut out a heart shape by using both cookie cutters this time - press down with your large cutter, then place the smaller cutter inside (aim to be as central as possible) and press that one down too. Repeat 5 times. Carefully remove the outer large heart outlines and place them on top of your 6 large hearts
5. Pinch them down around the edges to seal and prevent any jam from leaking
6. Bake the tarts for about 25 minutes
7. Cool on a wire wrack and sprinkle with icing sugar to serve

Lady Tremaine

"This is your last chance, Don't Fail Me!"
Lady Tremaine's High SocieTEA
4 cinnamon sicks
4 cups boiling water
a pinch of whole cloves
a dash of fresh nutmeg
sugar to taste
This child friendly tea serves you and your 2 plain daughters, while your stepdaughter cleans the house. Let the spices steep in boiling water for a few minutes then strain. Serve from your finest tea service set. Serve with sugar cookies or ginger snaps.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Headless Horseman

Pumpkin Mousse

1 box prepared vanilla pudding (larger box)

1/2 cup canned pumpkin pie mix (the one that is already spiced)

2 cups Cool Whip

Combine prepared pudding with pumpkin. Fold in Cool Whip. Top with additional Cool Whip if desired. Serve with ginger snaps.

Display in a hollowed out pumpkin (small sugar variety).

Monday, September 19, 2011

Old Hag

"And now a special sort of death for one so fair"

Poisoned Apples with Sleeping Death Dip

1/2 cup Cream Cheese softened
1/2 cup Vanilla Yogurt
3/4 cup Brown Sugar
1 tube green gel icing
1 tube blue gel icing
3 drops green food coloring

Combine cream cheese, yogurt, brown sugar, and food color. Put dip in a small (I'm talkin' tiny) cauldron. A black salsa dish could also work. With the gel icing create bubbles and ripples on the top of the dip. Serve with red apples. (yes you want the red for contrast. Use Gala or Rome apples sliced and treated with lemon juice to keep oxidization at bay.)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Wicked Queen Decorating

"And to make doubly sure you do NOT fail, bring back her heart . . . in this."

The Wicked Queen is a tad bit schitzo when it comes to decorating. In her royal chambers she is all elegance and oppulance. Silk, velvet, gold, ruby, everything gets the royal treatment. If you want the royal look, deck out your t.v. area to look like the Magic Mirror. Whether you have a wall mounted flat screen, or an entertainment system from the 80's, take 4 yards of the cheapest red fabric (Wal-mart and JoAnns have crushed panne velvet for less than 5 bucks a yard. That makes it look fantastically royal.) Cut it in half and staple both halves side by side about a foot above your tv. Pull apart and tie back with gold cording. Her other persona,like her black heart, allows you to create a dungeon laboratory complete withcauldrons, andbottles of powders and liquids of various shapes and colors scattered about. Complete the look by placing an open textbook with spellbook pages inserted with a book mark in between.

Custom Spell Book and potion labels

Evil Queen

"Magic Mirror on the wall, Who is the fairest one of all!"

The Queen's Peddler Potion:

2 tablespoons Mummy Dust

1/4 cup The Black of Night

1 twist An Old Hags Cackle

1/2 cup a Scream of Fright

1 Blast of Wind

1 Thunder Bolt

Combine all ingredients in order in a crystal goblet with a dramatic flourish. Swallow all contents immediatly.

Okay, you might not have on hand mummy dust or a thunder bolt. So, here are some ingredients that are a little more common place, but for your party, use the more spooky names.

Mummy Dust= powdered sugar. Display in a coffin for best effect

The Black of Night= prepared lime Soft drink mix with a drop of black and a drop of green food color. Displayed in a large clear bottle.

An Old Hag's Cackle= lemon juice. Displayed in a glass oil cruet

A Scream of Fright= Lemon/lime soda. Display in a glass beverage dispenser with spigot.

Blast of Wind= a vigorous stir Display stir sticks in a tin can covered in parchment

Thunder Bolt= a small chunk of dry ice. Display in a cauldron.

Have your guests mix their own drink in plastic goblets. Be sure to provide stirring sticks and tongs for the dry ice. This has always been a hit at my parties. Of course to make the display more spooky, I use custom made labels and spell book pages. I will post them on my next post.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Welcome, Foolish Mortals

This blog will take you into the boundless realm of the supernatural, all while keeping your hands arms feet and legs inside your Doombuggy. Come back often for tricks and treats featuring your favorite Disney Villains. Enjoy recipes, decorating ideas, costumes made easy, and other tips of the trade.  Sit back, relax, Hurry Back often! Don't forget your death certificate.